Behind every successful group is a dedicated team of volunteers, constantly striving for our young people to achieve their best. Have a look below at who’s who.
Oak Street has a vast Leadership team, with a wide range of ages, skills and experience. Roles include Leaders, Executive Committee members (the people that look after the building, our vehicles and our finances). We are always looking for fresh ideas for fundraising and new team members. Get in touch with any of the team below.
All our adult volunteers are DBS Enhanced checked.
Leslie - Beaver Leader
Yvette Lavelle - Cub Leader
Christie Young - Assistant Cub Leader
Ash Routh - Assistant Cub Leader
JoJo Ashforth - Assistant Cub Leader
Hugh - Scout Leader
Keith Endean - Assistant Scout Leader
Alex Hodgson - Assistant Scout Leader
Martyn - Group Scout Leader
Helen Damon - Trustee Chair
Ellen Holcombe - Group Occasional Helper